
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Angry Chair - Trois

And so, am still here, it would seem, sitting. So many questions, so few answers. I think perhaps one should not ask so many questions. Would balance out the lack of answers a bit. Maybe that's wisdom. Ha!

But anyway, strange thing happened today. We were just peering passed some wicked looking clouds, and would you like to know what we saw? Well, there was this hill, or mountain, and as we looked longer it seemed to come nearer, like zooming in on it or something. Things became quite clear for a bit and on the hill there was this group of people standing around. They all seemed to be looking at something intently. It was quite strange really, the thing they were looking at i mean.

It was a little dog. Now, this in itself is not a strange thing of course, but the dog was chasing it's tale and would not stop! Funny thing that. Made us smile. But, the people who were looking at it, they were all very serious... Now, i couldn't understand this, because, a dog chasing its tale... well, that's funny! So, why were all the people so... morose?

Stop it! You! Stop it! Piss off other me, so what if i'm asking a question? So? Yes, but... just piss off...

Hmmmmm.... some people... Anyway, after quite a while, the dog stopped chasing its tale and bounded off down the hill quite happily. The people looked on.
Then there's this sound like a "BOOOOOOOiiiiinnnnng" followed by a "Schooooooouuuup" and i'm being pulled backwards like there's a long bungee or elastic cord attached to my back or something. Zooming up, whizzing past the clouds...then there i was, still, looking down on those big grey clouds again.

I'm wondering, how on earth did i get the chair to move??? Damn, just like the answer to the biggest question of them all - life - coming to you when you're neither awake nor asleep, but in between. You know it all then, oh yes you do, but then you fall sleep, and when you wake up.... well, it's gone.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


So, it's been a few years now since i've realised that i'm not creative. Came as a bit of a shock then, but was suprisingly quick to accept it, considering i'd always thought i was the creative sort. However, this does not mean i know nothing about creativity. No, indeed it does not.

Anyway, today i have nothing to say. Nothing at all. I tried, but i just wasn't able to vomit out the usual rubbish. So, i'm going to paste the lyrics of a song here that is indeed not rubbish. There ya go...

"Cygnus X-1, Book II: Hemispheres"

[I. Prelude]

When our weary world was young
The struggle of the ancients first began
The gods of love and reason
Sought alone to rule the fate of man

They battled through the ages
But still neither force would yield
The people were divided
Every soul a battlefield

[II. Apollo / Dionysus]

[Apollo: Bringer Of Wisdom]
'I bring truth and understanding
I bring wit and wisdom fair
Precious gifts beyond compare
We can build a world of wonder
I can make you all aware
I will find you food and shelter
Show you fire to keep you warm
Through the endless winter storm
You can live in grace and comfort
In the world that you transform'

The people were delighted
Coming forth to claim their prize
They ran to build their cities
And converse among the wise
But one day the streets fell silent
Yet they knew not what was wrong
The urge to build these fine things
Seemed not to be so strong
The wise men were consulted
And the Bridge of Death was crossed
In quest of Dionysus
To find out what they had lost

[Dionysus: Bringer Of Love]
'I bring love to give you solace
In the darkness of the night
In the Heart's eternal light
You need only trust your feelings
Only love can steer you right
I bring laughter, I bring music
I bring joy and I bring tears
I will soothe your primal fears
Throw off those chains of reason
And your prison disappears'

The cities were abandoned
And the forests echoed song
They danced and lived as brothers
They knew love could not be wrong
Food and wine they had aplenty
And they slept beneath the stars
The people were contented
And the gods watched from afar
But the winter fell upon them
And it caught them unprepared
Bringing wolves and cold starvation
And the hearts of men despaired

[III. Armageddon: The Battle Of Heart and Mind]

The universe divided
As the heart and mind collided
With the people left unguided
For so many troubled years
In a cloud of doubts and fears
Their world was torn asunder into hollow

Some fought themselves, some fought each other
Most just followed one another
Lost and aimless like their brothers
For their hearts were so unclear
And the truth could not appear
Their spirits were divided into blinded

Some who did not fight
Brought tales of old to light
'My Rocinante sailed by night
On her final flight'
To the heart of Cygnus' fearsome force
We set our course
Spiralled through that timeless space
To this immortal place

[IV. Cygnus: Bringer Of Balance]

I have memory and awareness
But I have no shape or form
As a disembodied spirit
I am dead and yet unborn
I have passed into Olympus
As was told in tales of old
To the city of Immortals
Marble white and purest gold...

I see the gods in battle rage on high...
Thunderbolts across the sky...
I cannot move, I cannot hide...
I feel a silent scream begin inside...

Then all at once the chaos ceased
A stillness fell, a sudden peace
The warriors felt my silent cry
And stayed their struggle, mystified

Apollo was atonished
Dionysus thought me mad
But they heard my story further
And they wondered, and were sad

Looking down from Olympus
On a world of doubt and fear
Its surface splintered
Into sorry Hemispheres

They sat a while in silence
Then they turned at last to me
'We will call you Cygnus
The god of Balance you shall be'

[V. The Sphere: A Kind Of Dream]

We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim
Let the truth of love be lighted
Let the love of truth shine clear
Armed with sense and liberty
With the heart and mind united in a single
Perfect... Sphere...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Angry Chair, Part Deux

I can see something, it's a little blurred and still hazy, always hazy... it's not down there, it's on my level. Another chair! Now this is interesting, seems like my waiting has paid off... my waiting? I didn't have a choice in the matter, so was it my waiting? Doesn't matter, should not stop to think, but the other chair is still far away, and it's slipped my view now... Am not even sure if it was there in the first place, perhaps just my imagination... Wait! I see it again! It is there! How far away is it? Difficult to say really, nothing to compare distance with up here... Damn, wish this was a beach buggy... or jet ski... and not just a chair. Still, what do you think, other me? Screw you, you always think the same thing as i do... What was that?.... Oh come on! Like you even have feelings! Ha! Spas...

Hmmmmm... coffee... K, now who is in the chair? There is someone there, chairs don't exist without chairees you see. Now what do i do? Has the chair and chair carer been put there for me? Or are they just incidental? Damn! How do i get there? Can't move this thing y'know.... and when i try! Wanna know what happens when i try???? Do you??? Do you now???? Right, like i'm gonna tell you everything i've learnt! Not fucking likely... no, not true, likely.... but not now... later...

Oh well, the chair's gone again...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Angry Chair

Sitting on my angry chair, looking down on things. Looks hazy from up here, can make out some figures between the big grey clouds though. Strange, the air's kind of thin, and it's cold. What looked clear seems different now. Different as in clearer or now unclear. I can hear things that i could not before, that's interesting. I can see... well, it's hazy as i said. There's nothing much to touch here, could try grabbing a cloud, but they don't like that. It's good, this chair i've got, and this place i've found. It's good to survey and be detached from it all. No, not really. But it is good to atleast survey from this perch, but might be nice to dive in once in a while, it's not alowed though. Can't have the cake and eat it. Who said that? I can hear music very well from up here, you see, you can't touch it, it's already been recorded and there's fuck all you can do to it. It touches you though, i guess one is not wholly detached, or maybe it's a one-way street. Where am i going, and for how long will or must i be here? My beard has grown long, it's almost touching my feet, will need to do something about that. You don't need to eat or drink, or very little maybe, in that way it's a bit different here. Strangely we don't get to see the sun much, i can't remember ever seeing it, there is a greyish light here though, so i imagine it must be around somewhere. And who is we? Well, me, me and me i would think. I don't feel alone, but if i look around i don't see anyone else here, so it's just the three of us.

Now, i'm a little bored. It seems like ages since i spoke with anyone else, and the three of us have similar points of view, so that can be quite a bitch. Sometimes one of us vanishes for a bit, probably to just get away for a while. I don't remember ever doing that though.

It's a good chair, serves us well. It wasn't always angry, and even now it's not very angry, just a little pissed off. Perhaps i should call it an irritated chair, but that doesn't sound as good, besides, i was listening to a song called angry chair when i started.

And now i shall end with a little poem.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Most poems rhyme,

But this one doesn't.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


"Hmmmm... that's a lovely picture of a sunset" said G to himself, while a man walking by, stops, and hesitates for a moment "Uh... it's not" says he, "Oh yes it is!" says G, "I'm afraid it's not" says M. G is puzzled now, "What isn't it? Lovely, a picture or a sunset?" "Difficult to say really" examines M, "I mean, a picture it is, lovely, perhaps, but a sunset? I don't think so", incredulous G is taken aback "Say it's not lovely, say even that it's not a picture, but... a sunset! Now that is exactly what it is!". "I'm afraid not sir, i assure you" retorts M. G takes another look at the picture to make sure, he sees the sun, and it is indeed setting "See here" he says pointing, "This would be, infact, the afore mentioned sun" says G speaking slowly and deliberately, "and here" pointing again, "we notice that it is... what's the word now?" says G frowning as though trying to remember something, "ah yes, setting. What do you think?" says G picking up the picture and looking at it from all angles. M is not looking at it now and remarkably does not seem put off by G's patronising tone. There's a silence for a few seconds as neither of them seem to... "Look" says G, "you seem to speak with an element of confidence, and by your tone i see that perhaps you might be a person to be reckoned with in your line of work, and so..." G takes a breath, "With all due respect, and please note, i do not respect easily, but with all due respect, i just fail to comprehend, understand your insisting that this is not a sunset." "It is not with the intention of causing confusion that i speak to you" says M calmly, "But... i find it necerssary to point out to you, that that" indicating the picture, "is indeed not a sunset". G gets a bright idea, "Then what is it? Hmmm? Go on then... tell me what it is..." shoots forth G, thinking that he once again has the upper hand. "Well, i did not take the picture, so i can't quite say. I see some colours of course, some rather lovely ones, blue, purple, violet, red, yellow, gold... quite beautiful really." says M admiringly, "Who took it?". "I did" says G, feeling numb now. "And i assure you, that when i took it, the sun was there" spits out G gesturing with his hands to show the obvious, "and whats more... it was... setting!!" M takes another look at the picture "Ah yes, i see what you mean, the sun... hmmmm... and it does look like it's setting... yes it does" says a triumphant M. "Huh?" half grunts G, incredulous once again. "Yes, you see here" says M pointing, "this would be the sun, and you notice how close it is to the horizon, well, that's a sunset you see there." G is speechless. "Quite a lovely picture really", smiles M as he walks off whistling to himself.